Within the scope of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Program, our project named "USE OR LOSE" aims to develop innovative practices in drawing attention to Alzheimer's disease, to encourage cooperation at European level, mutual learning and sharing of experiences, and the implementation of joint initiatives.

Project Summary

The last 20 years has seen a steady increase in the elder population, especially in European countries due to advancements in the field of health. From healthier living conditions, better education and access to healthcare services, mortality as well as birth rates have significantly declined in developed countries.

Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Program

Within the scope of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Program, it is aimed to establish an occupational therapy guidebook for occupational to assist in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients and their families. The occupational therapy guidebook will be used locally and throughout Europe for improving the memory of Alzheimer's patients and those with early-onset dementia.


project aims to call attention to Alzheimer's disease by developing innovative practices and implementing co-operative initiatives, such as mutual learning and exchange experiences, promoting cooperation at the European level.

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It is supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus + Program.
However, the opinions contained herein European Commission and the National Agency of Turkey can not be held responsible.

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