
Transnational Project Meetings

1. Kick-off meeting: The kick-off meeting was held on 6-7 February 2019 in Kahramanmaras hosted by Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality.

2. TPM in Italy: The second TPM was held on 9-10 May 2019 in Italy hosted by CEİPES (Centro Internazıonale Per La Promozıone Dell'educazıone E Lo Svıluppo Assocıazıone).

3. TPM in Greece: Between Thursday 05/09/2019 and Friday 06/09/2019 the third project meeting was conducted in the premises of Developmental Centre of Thessaly (AKETH) in Trikala, Greece.

4. TPM in Poland: From Tuesday 03/12/2019 to Wednesday 04/12/2019 the fourth project meeting was conducted in the SSW Collegium Balticum in Szczecin, Poland.

5. TPM in Bulgaria:


Closing Meeting: